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Christian Müller, explain why the collaboration between operators and Regulators is vital

  • NGFT

admit I was part of the working group that developed new EASA requirements for training and checking. as well as IFR and multl-cew OPS, that come Into effect by the end of October this year. Our Intentions were good. and we were glad to Include alleviations for many operators In Europe. Operators should feel the difference. They will get alleviations, simplincatlons and a reduction In costs for training ano checking.

In the end, however, we ended up with 400 pages of regulatoiy changes. Wow! That had not been the plan. It makes me wonder how the smaller operators will work through the details of there regulatory requirements, analyse the content, Identify changes where needed, perform an adequate risk analys s and then Implement
the changes

This, by the way, is only one of three major sets of changes that our industry will deal with this year. The dangerous goods training requirements will change, and every operator also needs to deal with cybersecurity threats and their implications. Operators need to have planning time and supervise their pilots and crew. They need to go out to their clients and make sure that new business Is obtained. How can we find the capacity to do all of this?

While I recognise the value of improving regulation. learning from the actual implementation or the law and analysis of safety-relevant areas, we need to make sure that regulatory changes are manageable. Let’s not forget that only the Implementing Rules are translated into the different languages that are used in Europe. The Acceptable Means of Compliance are only published In English. Are we sure that operators from
non-English speaking countries understand the language, and all the nuances, In all its detail? will they have
enough time and resources to In these changes simultaneously?

When I look at some operating manuals, I still see the phrase JAR-OPS 3. expired over eight years ago. Obviously, not all changes have been lmplemented, properly. Simply put, the rate of chang is too high. We may be coming to a regulatory developments. but we need to make sure that past regulatory changes are property implemented.

